Specializes in Pain Medicine
Advantage Healthcare Systems
Coming soon!
Hometown: $phys_hometown
Favorite professional sports team: $phys_sports_team
Favorite sport/athletic activity to participate in: $phys_sport_activity
Favorite song: $phys_song
Technology device I can’t live without: $phys_tech
Favorite healthy snack: $phys_snack
Childhood ambition: $phys_child_ambition
Best Travel Memory: $phys_travel_memory
Best med school memory: $phys_school_memory
When I really need to relax I: $phys_relax
Proudest moment: $phys_moment
Fitness routine: $phys_fitness
Fondest memory: $phys_fond_memory
Biggest challenge: $phys_challenge
Most people don’t know I: $phys_dk
My perfect day: $phys_day